Review: Cardboard Citizen’s ‘Benefit’ – 14/05/15

Benefit picture

Cardboard Citizen’s ‘Benefit’ was a captivating performance that highlighted the difficulties that can accrue within the benefits system.
Within the piece they explore 3 stories that all inter link in some way, each story with its own struggle. Sanctions are explored in this piece and the testing that happens when determining what type of benefit an individual should be given.
Cardboard citizens uses Forum Theatre within their pieces which is a technique taken from the famous practitioner Augusto Boal.

I thought benefit was a really interesting piece of theatre. The stories that they told were so honest that the audience connected to them and want to help. Which worked well for the second half of the show as we, as audience members, got to participate and alter the happens within one of the stories and see if we could create a different outcome.
This created lots of discussion amongst the audience members and even some disagreements on how we should alter the scenario to benefit the character.

It was an interesting way to look at the benefit system and highlight its problems.
I left feeling like I wanted to help change this floored system as its suppose to help the individuals who need it most, not make them up through hoops and be set impossible targets at the some of the hardest points in their lives.

Benefit is a must see!!


First Bite Festival

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On Saturday 2nd May, the First Bite Festival returned to mac. The First Bite Festival is a festival produced by theatre company China Plate, commissioned by mac Birmingham and Warwick Arts Centre and supported by greenhouse and In Good Company.

The First Bite Festival is a showcase of ten of the most exciting new companies from across the Midlands and they show works in progress, finished pieces or scratches of work they are creating. Two of those companies that have performed in First Bite get the chance to perform in Bite Size which is being commissioned at Warwick Arts Centre. Bite Size is like First Bite but it is a national showcase/ festival which anyone can enter.

China Plate is an independent theatre studio that works with artists, venues, festivals and funders to make original, exciting theatre that plays with form and has narrative at its heart. The reason they started First Bite was for a chance to see the new work being created but also to try and create a network across the Midlands to encourage collaboration between venues and companies.

In Good Company is the professional development programme for artists making work in the East Midlands, led by Creative Producer Ruby Glaskin. Funded by Arts Council England, it launched in July 2014 and is delivered by Derby Theatre, Create Theatre in Mansfield and Attenborough Arts Centre in Leicester.

The companies that performed at First Bite are:
-Cloud Cuckoo Land
-Rachael Young
-Barrel Organ
-Almost Human
-Lucy J Skilbeck
-Stephanie Ridings
-Spiltmilk Dance
-Tina Hoffman
– Also during the day there were three performances of a work by Michael Pinchbeck.

Each company had a slot of around 20 minutes to show what they had been working on. There was a mixture of children’s theatre, solo performance art, spoken word, physical theatre/ puppetry and dance. All of the pieces, whether they were scratches or almost finished were interesting and exciting pieces of theatre and showed that the Midlands is a truly gifted place full of truly gifted theatre makers.

Bite Size will be happening in the near future at Warwick Arts Centre, dates are yet to tbc so keep a look out!!


Trevor Appleson Exhibition: Birmingham – Sat 2 May – Sun 5 July at mac birmingham

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Tomorrow at mac Birmingham, Trevor Appleson’s ‘Birmingham’ exhibition begins in the first floor gallery and admission is free so you have no excuse not to go and see it!

Trevor Appleson is well know for his classic portrait photographs made in a makeshift portable studio, his approach of taking photographs of people on the street, in their hometowns around the world allows for a bewitching representation of a certain place through its resident.

Appleson uses a particular style of dropping a black backdrop behind the subject, only using the sun as his source of light allows for a natural openness of the photographs, which as a viewer invites you into his work.
For this project Appleson photographed over 500 people in outside spaces all over Birmingham.

Alongside the conventional portraits, their are seven large-scale assemblages reflecting upon self-representation in the digital age. Each has three components, a selfie/ snapshot, an object or collection of objects that represents the subject and a still life photograph.

Appleson’s ‘Birmingham’ provides a representation of youth culture and style in Birmingham. It offers the view through the photographers lens and from outside in the personal archives of the young people portrayed. It also approaches the question of how social media and youth culture have become a way of archiving this generations lives digitally.

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So if you are free from Sat 2 May until Sun 5 Jul (which I’m sure you will be at least once) then take a look at Trevor Appleson’s ‘Birmingham’. Link here for more information:

See ya!


Rachael Young: BBC Performing Arts Fellow

Rachael YoungRachael Young is a performer and writing based out of Nottingham.
She makes socially-engaged installations, live performances and sound works. She is currently the BBC Performing Arts Fellow at mac Birmingham and will be participating the First Bite Festival at mac on Saturday 2nd of May performing a piece that is still in development ‘I, Myself and Me. She has shown work at Curve Leicester, The Yard London and Contact Manchester.

The First Bite Festival is a chance for the most exciting theatre makers across the Midlands at the moment to showcase new ideas and new writing they have been creating. Ten regional companies will show works in progress, new material and look for feedback on these new pieces. Two of the pieces will be commissioned by the company China Plate, mac Birmingham and Warwick Arts Centre and are guaranteed slots at the Bite Size Festival at Warwick Arts Centre in November. As well as that, their will be opportunities to talk to the theatre makers and industry figures about  working in the industry of theatre and theatre making.

Rachael Young who is performing in session one at the first bite festival will be showing a re work of her ‘I, Myself and Me’.
‘I, Myself and Me’ is a piece about what happens when we stop being what society expects and we become the other.

Rachael’s work is playful, fun, experimental and often autobiographical, which makes her (In my opinion) one to watch as she creates innovative pieces that will have you laughing, crying and make you think about your own self.

If you want to know more about Rachael Young this is a link to her website:
Also this is the link to the First Bite Festival at mac on Saturday if you are interested in Rachael’s work:


Digital Photo Book Making

So today we were privileged enough to be invited along to a Digital Photo Book making workshop! Digital Book making is a process of selecting, editing and organising digital photographs into a printed book that you have designed online.

We got the chance to observe the workshop in motion, and also be involved in participants choices in what photos and text they wanted to put into their own book!

Andy: Personally for me it was great to see people utilising the facilities at mac, working first hand in the media studio engaging with Digital Book Making software (blurb, book smart and book write) to create some really awesome work!

Amelia: For me the method of Digital Book Making is a wonderful way of cataloguing memories to create a legacy for yourself or for friends and family. Being in the workshop today and seeing how much detail and time the participants are giving to these books really shows you the power of photographs and text.

A great way to spend a Monday! If you are interested in the Digital Photo Book Making class, click the link below


Review – Theatre Alibi: I Believe in Unicorns

i believe in unicorns

Today we were lucky enough to go and see Theatre Alibi’s ‘I Believe in Unicorns’, a piece of children’s theatre aimed at aged 6+.

Unicorns tells us the story of a boy called Tomas set in a sleepy mountain village where Tomas and his Dad share a love of all things outdoors much to his Mothers dismay. One day having been forced to go to the library with his Mother he meets a storyteller who tells him a story about unicorns, all seems well until tragedy strikes exposing Tomas to the harsh realities of growing up.

The sparsity of the set made the piece feel intimate and welcoming and this was of great benefit to the show and its audience as it made them hang on every word. This went hand in hand with the fact that the dialogue literally described everything which was probably a motive given that the target market is children allowing them to create the scene in their own minds encouraging imagination.

Unicorns is an engaging, innovative and evocative piece which we truly enjoyed with its elements of puppetry and live music which created a playful atmosphere which had the audience laughing.

A must see!


Day 1 in the life of #workplacement

name badge selfieSo this is day 1!
Today we have met a wonderful team here at mac, we have wandered around mac and looked at all the theatre spaces!
If you are reading this you may realise that we now understand how to use WordPress (ish) and have started planning potential workshops that we might run at the mac during May half-term.
Stay tuned for more updates of in the life of #workplacement
P.S we got name badges!!

So you wanna know a bit about the authors.


Andy Rudrum:

Hello, hi! I am currently a student at the Birmingham City University, studying Applied Performance (Community & Education) hoping to keep you up to date and well informed about the goings on at the mac! #workplacement

Amelia Howat:

Hello! I’m the girl in the photo.

I am also studying at Birmingham City University on the Applied Performance (Community and Education) course. Hope this blog is fun and informative about whats happening at the mac. #workplacement