Review – (h)experiment: Slot Together

SlotTogether-fFor the past two Saturdays, I have been a busy bee, a very busy bee. But also a very happy, satisfied and inspired busy bee, because ladies and gentlemen, for the past two Saturdays, I have had the opportunity to attend a really exciting offering from the (h)experiment… SLOT TOGETHER!

In association with Stan’s Café, mac commissioned 8 new pieces of really exciting theatre! But there was a catch, each of these 8 pieces, had to fall within some rules, such as:

– All pieces must be performed within a set space (8 x 6)

– Each piece were given the same 12 props to use, of which they had use 5 minimum (A coffee mug, gun, clock, banana, flowers, a letter, telephone, rope, a newspaper, a chair, a table and a picture frame)

– Each piece was to only last 20 minutes

This is theatre however, not sport, acts were not penalised, booed or buzzed for stepping out of line, using additional props or being an additional minute or two long, the ‘rules’ were purely a stimulus from which to create, not inhibit. Anyway, enough of that, you probably want to know a little about the acts, right?

There were a wide variety of different pieces performed over the two Saturday’s in which the (h)experiment took place (9th and the 16th of May) including a Croatian language lesson, a philosophical self help guide, an exploration of gender identity and empathising with a Banana (yes, you read that correctly)

Each of the twelve props were utilised in a variety of ways, in some pieces they were used sparingly, whereas in others they were at the core of what the piece was, (seriously, the amount of empathy felt for a banana, was unbelievable. A BANANA!?)

It’s truly awe inspiring to see how much depth, variety and passion, had gone into each of these pieces, and each individual piece was so diverse in its execution, delivery and the content explored within.

I personally will be following each of the eight artists who performed over the two Saturday’s to see what they will create in the future, and you can too! Links to all of their relevant social media pages & websites can be found here:

All in all, some very exciting pieces, and a wonderful way to spend two Saturday evenings!


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