Trevor Appleson Exhibition: Birmingham – Sat 2 May – Sun 5 July at mac birmingham

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Tomorrow at mac Birmingham, Trevor Appleson’s ‘Birmingham’ exhibition begins in the first floor gallery and admission is free so you have no excuse not to go and see it!

Trevor Appleson is well know for his classic portrait photographs made in a makeshift portable studio, his approach of taking photographs of people on the street, in their hometowns around the world allows for a bewitching representation of a certain place through its resident.

Appleson uses a particular style of dropping a black backdrop behind the subject, only using the sun as his source of light allows for a natural openness of the photographs, which as a viewer invites you into his work.
For this project Appleson photographed over 500 people in outside spaces all over Birmingham.

Alongside the conventional portraits, their are seven large-scale assemblages reflecting upon self-representation in the digital age. Each has three components, a selfie/ snapshot, an object or collection of objects that represents the subject and a still life photograph.

Appleson’s ‘Birmingham’ provides a representation of youth culture and style in Birmingham. It offers the view through the photographers lens and from outside in the personal archives of the young people portrayed. It also approaches the question of how social media and youth culture have become a way of archiving this generations lives digitally.

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So if you are free from Sat 2 May until Sun 5 Jul (which I’m sure you will be at least once) then take a look at Trevor Appleson’s ‘Birmingham’. Link here for more information:

See ya!


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