Rachael Young: BBC Performing Arts Fellow

Rachael YoungRachael Young is a performer and writing based out of Nottingham.
She makes socially-engaged installations, live performances and sound works. She is currently the BBC Performing Arts Fellow at mac Birmingham and will be participating the First Bite Festival at mac on Saturday 2nd of May performing a piece that is still in development ‘I, Myself and Me. She has shown work at Curve Leicester, The Yard London and Contact Manchester.

The First Bite Festival is a chance for the most exciting theatre makers across the Midlands at the moment to showcase new ideas and new writing they have been creating. Ten regional companies will show works in progress, new material and look for feedback on these new pieces. Two of the pieces will be commissioned by the company China Plate, mac Birmingham and Warwick Arts Centre and are guaranteed slots at the Bite Size Festival at Warwick Arts Centre in November. As well as that, their will be opportunities to talk to the theatre makers and industry figures about  working in the industry of theatre and theatre making.

Rachael Young who is performing in session one at the first bite festival will be showing a re work of her ‘I, Myself and Me’.
‘I, Myself and Me’ is a piece about what happens when we stop being what society expects and we become the other.

Rachael’s work is playful, fun, experimental and often autobiographical, which makes her (In my opinion) one to watch as she creates innovative pieces that will have you laughing, crying and make you think about your own self.

If you want to know more about Rachael Young this is a link to her website: http://www.rachaelyoung.net/
Also this is the link to the First Bite Festival at mac on Saturday if you are interested in Rachael’s work: http://macbirmingham.co.uk/event/first-bite-festival/


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